Welcome to My Sister’s Books

We sell new and used books in-store. We sell new books, audiobooks, ebooks, and more online.

We pride ourselves on being able to hunt down hard-to-find titles, so bring your Wish Lists with you and we’re happy to help.

Open Mon-Fri 10-5 and Sat 10-3. Call us anytime: 843-235-9618

Happy 2024! This might just be the YEAR OF BOOKS. We are so excited to share these thrilling stories with all of you. What will be the best book of the year?

In 2023, we partnered with Little Basket to help provide monthly Book & Wine pairing events.

In 2022, we celebrated our 20th birthday and partnered with CLASS to help provide weekly Moveable Feasts. Fantastic author luncheons and signed books.